Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Love Velo Launching Program

I Love Velo launching program:
•             Cluj-Napoca 30 March
•             Brasov 2 April
•             Iasi 6 April
•             Constanta 9 April

So, starting from 9 April you're welcome to pedal freely again, this year with Green Revolution. Rental Center remains in Tabacariei Park, Constanta.

Green Revolution provides free bike rentals in Romania's main big cities and University Campuses. One ID for a single person is required to pedal 2 hours for free. A simple form must be completed, thus this task can be performed in 3 minutes.

Can wait for the Sun to shine again this spring, and ride the bikes :D



Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh yeah...

I present you my latest acquisitions featuring a new Simpsons car air freshner, a new Saguaro cactus with red flowers, 2 cow shaped salt-shakers :D and a Jacobs Thermos Mug, which is very handy-andy :)).

Saguaro, blooming with two gorgeous red flowers


 Exotic plants like this makes my life a lot more happier and colorful... I love to watch them grow.

The mug has an open/close cap


 I usually take this cup in my roadtrips to everywhere so I can enjoy a nice warm coffee :)

Two cows with orange and black spots 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Flag Counter Problems

Hi. Recently I was looking through my blog statistics and found a minor problem, that's been buggin' me. It is about the foreign visitors that not appear in the Flag Counter. I tought it was a lag... because those countries does appear in Google Statistics, like you can see in these screen-shots. In left, there are two countries that visited Extreme Stars this week: India and China. Of course these countries does not appear in the Flag Counter. Last month I've had visitors from: Norway, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Singapore and the same problem, their flag doesn't show in the counter.

Is there someone else facing the same situation? Is there anything that can be done? Because I don't want to switch to a new Flag Counter, for not 'losing' the visitors untill now. 


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Barbra Streisand & Stela Popescu

Îmi explică şi mie cineva care e faza cu 'Uuuuuuu-uuuuuh uuuuh uuuu-uuuh Barbra Streisand/Stela Popescu/whatever' ?  Serios, cer o explicaţie pentru că nu mi se pare nici amuzant, nici distractiv, nici...nimic ! 

Ca şi în cazul 'ROA - Ne place', am observat că e nebunie site-uri, blog-uri sau orice reţea de socializare, iar turmele de trepanaţi comentează obsesiv ne place place place sau Uuuuuuu-uuuuuuuu uuuuuuu... Virgil Dobrescu :|

Bineînţeles că Românii are talent şi nu s-au putut abţine până nu au scos şi varianta mioritică a prostiei din America. Am vizualizat cu indiferenţă şi fără sa am vreo reacţie videoclipul original de pe YouTube, dar când am văzut varianta românească m-a luat durerea de cap.. 


În fine, dacă ştiţi cumva care e ideea acestor melodii ''caterincă'' aştept explicaţia în comentariile voastre :D

* Note for visitors from other countries. In order to understand the few posts written in Romanian, please use the translator widget on this page to read in your native language. Cheers

Monday, March 14, 2011

My baby Saguaro in a Simpsons branded pot

Missed me ? :D

Hehe, I'm gonna show you some nice stuff bought recently :P

Here is an addition to my exotic plant collection. I don't know what type of cactus this is.. I hope it's a Saguaro, the most common and iconic type of cactus that can be seen in all western american movies. I like this one because it's not just a filler, it has something special.. a Simpsons hotchpotch with Homer on it. Sure, I would have prefered the character of Bart Simpson, but it's cool.


The two greenish flowers can be clearly seen in this image

Care of Your Cactus

Potted Plants
In most cases cactus will do well in pots as long as you remember three things. Food, light, water.

When you bring the plant home most of the time it is in a small pot and it probably has grown there for a long time, which means it has used up most of all the nutrients in the soil. So think about repotting and setting up feeding program. Most cactus like several small feeding, better than one large feeding. I like a time release type in the spring and this will feed the plant for six or more months. The other way is to give the plants food three time a year (spring, summer, fall)with a dilute solution of plant food like (5-10-5). This should do them well for the year.

A potted cactus will live and flower in the house if given enough light, place the plant near a bright lighted window, where it will receive light most of the day. On the patio is different place the cactus in a partly shaded area until it become accustom to the sun. Never bring the cactus home and place it in the bright sun, cactus sun burn just like people.

Cactus in pots require more care in watering than in the ground. In the growing period which can be spring & summer or fall & winter. Depending on where they come from, south america or north america, the plant should not be allowed to go completely dry, just moist. In the house watering could be as little as once a month depending on the dryness of the house. But outside as much as every two or three days. Take a wooden pencil or dow rod and place it down through the soil to the bottom of the pot, when removed, if damp soil is on it don't water. After a few try's you will learn when to water.

Potting mix for San Antonio area consist of:

1 part potting mix (not soil)
1 part washed sand 1 part course gravel or pumas

*Source: Care of your Cactus | Bonus... a Bart Simpson air freshner


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Remington S2014 Hair Straightener - Repairing

Part 2

Hello again.. let's continue with the dissasembling of the Remington S2014 Hair Straightener..
It is a very compact unit, no screws here so keep the kludging to a minimum :)) Everything clicks, drags, twists and after thinking a bit I've finally succeded.

So.. these little fellows keeps the hair straightener apart. Remember to start from the power cord to the ceramic plates. 

This is a free rotation power cord. Interesting..

Having the device dissasembled, we're now looking for the broken item inside. Of course I am a technician in electrotechics , but not quite there so, my friend Pops has joined the crew.. Cheers man..

Aha ! This motherf@$%ing condenser is burned. The original one is a 1uf 400V condenser, and since it cannot be found around town.. we've managed to squeeze a 1uf 630V inside :D

Yeah, the big one versus the little one --> Who ar we ? The art masters of repairing :))

All the parts put together and we're done lads... The Remington S2014 is alive.. Up and Running !
