Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dissasembling and Repairing a Remington S2014 Hair Straightener

Yeah, this beauty ^^^ is my new toy.. a Remington S1051 Sleek and Curl :D

The old one.. which has broken, a Remington S2014 is now under my command and ready to be dissasembled, tweaked, twisted, etc..

Stay tuned for a DIY (do it yourself) guide for dissasembling this device and how to repair it. 


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Problem ? No Solution :)

Stupid Blogger Templates


Yesterday I oughta' change the way my blog looks and tipically went searching for Blogger Templates. Aham, found some pretty ones, ok, and tought to upload them in the design tab. But wait, of course it's not that simple... Google had fu*ked up the system for a brief history of time :)) and got that paranoid error 'javascript:void(0)' not allowing me to change the themes.

After screaming and yelling on their support tech-forum alongside with other blogger crew-members all around the world, so yea, the problem was not locally it was fu*kin' globally :))

Well, this morning I woke up with no errors. Happily ever after I was going to upload my ubercool templates, the result ---> a totally mess ! These templates are awfull, you cannot modify the width, the layout, the colors, nothing :|

Of course, I am locked up with Google's default themes. Do you like it ? Haha, no. I don't.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to: Boot Windows 7 from usb memory stick

Step 1: Format the Drive
Plug in your USB Flash Drive
  1. Press Start/ Run/ type ''cmd''
  2. In the Command Prompt window type:
    list disk

    The number of your USB drive will listed. I’ll assume that the USB flash drive is disk 1.
  3. Replace the number “1” with the number of your disk below.. and then type:
    select disk 1
    create partition primary
    select partition 1
    format fs=NTFS
  4. When that is done you’ll have a formatted USB flash drive ready to be made bootable.
Step 2: Copy the installation DVD to the USB drive. 
The easiest way is to use Windows explorer to copy all of the files on your DVD on to the formatted flash drive.  After you’ve copied all of the files the disk you are ready to go.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From the interwebz

I like this one. The mechanic has artistic qualities :)

Hehehe, the reaction of the motorbike guy is a WIN :)) Nothing to say, just walk away :D

Both from

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day WIN

Mircea Badea dezlănţuit ! Abordează subiectul Ziua Îndrăgostiţilor spre deliciul publicului :)))))

TU eşti în rândul lumii ?


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Trepanaţii de pe Facebook şi ROA - Ne place

Ce poate fii mai enervant decât 'roa - ne place' sunt sutele de idioţi care au umplut facebook-ul, site-urile şi  blogurile cu comentariile lor 'ne place place place'

Ce p#%@ mea aveţi mă ? 'Melodia' e una tâmpită, are nişte versuri tâmpite, nişte cuvinte care rimează. Nu transmite nici un fel de mesaj, nu reprezintă nimic profund, nimic abstract, sunt doar nişte rime tâmpite pentru trepanaţi.

Să mai spun că este o variantă de împrumut a românilor de la Chemical Brothers - Do it again ?

Hai pa

Un comentariu foarte bun scris de Kenny: 

''Problema în fond şi până la urmă, aşa cum a amintit mai devreme stimabilul domn Ciprian este nu melodia în sine ci hoardele de idioţi care folosesc până la exasperare “place place place” pe toate forumurile, blogurile sau oriunde se poate scrie un comentariu la ceva. Acest lucru duce automat la antipatii faţă de melodie. Eu merg pe ideea că dacă nu îmi place o melodie, pur şi simplu nu o ascult, dar chestia asta cu “place place place” e deja enervantă şi nu mai e de mult timp amuzantă.''

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The New European Architecture

Hi. Not you. Hi :)) I'm watching the development of skyscrapers and supertalls in the EU and the rest of the European Continent. Let's say most of you don't know about these kind of developments and that's why I'm gonna show here a list of my favourite projects. It's hard to choose, because they're all superbly designed and trully pieces of engineering, but I'll try to give you an ideea about what's going on in these well developed countries. Please watch in High Definiton, where available, for a better experience.

So, let's begin with
Tours Hermitage | Paris, France, 2 x 323 m

The Shard | London, UK, 310 m

Bishopsgate Tower (The Pinnacle) | London, UK, 288 m

Leadenhall | London, UK,  225 m


Because I didn't find any presentation movies or animated rendering on YouTube the special notes go to:

International Business Center | Moscow, Russia - max 506 m

Dubai Towers | Istanbul, Turkey, 300 m, 240 m

Victoria Tower | Stockholm, Sweden, 117 m

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stai Gigică

Bine mă poftim, scriu şi în română. Credeaţi că am uitat-o, este ? Uite aici limba română pac - pac !

Continuăm să lucrăm muşchii abdominali cu o porţie zdravănă de râs :)) Am făcut cea mai selecţie tare de pe Youtube cu momente marca GG Becali. Hai ciao !